Find Out If You Need To UnSingle In Your Life!

how to know if you are ready for a relationship

How do you know if you are ready to date? Keep reading……

What is UnSingle? It can be described as the warm feeling one gets when that long-lost crush from school suddenly texts you “Hi” out of the blue.

The fact that you didn’t even know they had your number only adds to that feeling! Here are ways or signs that tell you that you are UnSingling and doing it damn well too! 

How to know if you are ready for a relationshipthis is the main question.

  • When the warmth of the coffee is no comparison to the warmth you feel in your heart. You were enjoying your own company a lot, but now you feel like having someone by your side. 

how to know if you are ready for a relationship

  • Ever experienced those mornings when your head slams against your table as you fall asleep at work? All because you happened to stay awake the entire night talking to that one person who gets you. Now that sure is what UnSingle is!

how do you know if you are ready to date

  • “You hang up!”

         “No YOU hang up!”

         “Okay on the count of 3.”

         “Okay, 1, 2, 3!”



unsingle driving out of the way

  • That moment when you feel like you can battle Bangalore traffic, Mumbai crowd, and Delhi drivers, to drop her home, you know you are UnSingling. You feel you can do anything special to make your partner happy. 

unsingle is using up all the flirty emojis

  • He sends you a cute text, and you start blushing. He knows he has made you blush, and you know that he knows he made you blush! How do you know you are ready to date? When his actions are speaking louder than his words.

unsingle is laughing at each other's PJS

  • If there is someone out there who not only gets your jokes but also laughs at them, despite being the only one in the room to be doing so, you sure have met your match!


  • How do you know if you are ready to date? If you are smiling to yourself and that too for no good reason (especially if you are doing it while looking down at your phone!), the deal has been sealed, dear friend!

So, how to know if you are ready for a relationship – we hope you have your answer.

So how about you get on TrulyMadly and UnSingle in style?

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