12 Reasons To Stay Single Forever – Bahanas You Make To Stay Single By Choice

reasons to stay single forever

Guest post by Madhavi Rao

Being in a relationship is like a double-edged sword. The feeling of being with someone who truly loves you and accepts you the way you are.

Being in a relationship can be a most beautiful and fulfilling experience while making life a bit complicated and a lot obligatory.

And that is the precise reason why you are so afraid of being in a relationship. Or perhaps you are just a pathetic single who badly wants to taste ‘Love’ but comes up with all kinds of excuses to justify and remain single as hell.

So here are some reasons why people often give reasons to stay single forever.

Bahana #1

When you think being with someone can be expensive is one of the reasons to stay single forever because dates are usually expensive.

Savings can be your priority, and it’s a legit reason not to be a part of a lovey-dovey relationship.

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Check More: 10 Dating Tips Anyone Who Is A Single Must Make Use Of

Bahana #2

Another excuse singles come up with is ‘Who’s got the f***ing time for all this shit’? Engineering koi halwa hai kya? For them being single means you can focus more on yourself and on your career. 

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Bahana #3

Girlfriend is a biiiig hindrance to your career plans. They think they can focus more on their hobbies and career.

The reason they want to stay single is because they think they can get more time to learn things when not in a relationship.

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Bahana #4

The common reason to stay single forever is you don’t want anyone keeping a tab on you. Parents are enough for this torture.

You are not bound to talk to anyone. You can go out with friends for a drink. Staying single for them is doing what they want without seeking anyone’s permission.

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Bahana #5

Are you into pets? Do you smoke or drink a lot? Well, they think they can do all of that as long as they are single.

They don’t want to take the pressure to keep up with someone else’s expectations. If they are messy they would love to remain messy.

This is true to some extent because these are some of the excuses singles usually come up with.

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Read Also: 14 Things Anybody Who Is Single Will Know To Be True

Bahana #6

They believe friends in a committed relationship disappear and for them friendship is really important. One of the reasons they want to stay single forever.

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Bahana #7

Because really, what is mine is none of anybody’s goddamn business. And you heard they even share their toothbrush!! Ugh!! Vomit alert

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Bahana #8

Oh, it totally depends on you if you want to stay up late or want to fall asleep ASAP. There is no one to restrict you from your lifestyle.

One more reason we get to hear from people who want to stay single by choice.

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Bahana #9

You like your time to yourself. You do whatever and whenever you feel like to do. Getting up late, spending your entire day lazing and pigging around in front of the idiot box would be your choice rather than to move your a** even on weekends to meet your bae. This is the lamest reason people give to stay single.

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Bahana #10

Singles can’t accept the fact that they are not able to say no when in a relationship. If a friend asks them to do something unpleasant you can always say no but you can never do that with your lover- this can’t be an option for you!

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Bahana #11

Not yet ready, mentally or emotionally, is one of the reasons why singles love their single tag.

It’s a whole new level of emotional investment when you enter a relationship, and it’s vital that one feel ready for it. It shouldn’t be just for the sake of it; you must feel it. 

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Bahana #12

Single people have many reasons to stay single forever. You would date, in fact, you would have.., but anybody below the scale of Katrina Kaif or Hrithik Roshan respectively, is not worth a ride on your father’s old Vespa

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Do we ever wonder thinking that we are gonna die single? Share in the comments below.

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