Love Talkies: A Guide To Romantic Chat Conversation

romantic chat topics

The first milestone of mutual swipe sends you to Cloud Nine but is soon replaced by pressure. Yes, Performance Anxiety of a different kind. The pressure of earning the adjectives of interesting, witty, thoughtful, well-read, and whatnot!

Insecurity of sounding boring and wanting to create impact might leave your hearts lurching and fingers shaking. Holding cute conversations or romantic chat conversations feels like a task. 

Conversations come naturally to some and especially those who are sweet-tongued like Ryan Gosling or SSR (rest in peace, SSR). Some are as awkward with conversations as the expressions that Abhishek Bachhan has on his face while dancing. 

Fret not! 

Some conversation tips for dating apps can serve as a comforting hot beverage on a rainy day. For those on the next stage already, we have interesting romantic chat topics too. 

Be You

One of the best conversation tips is that there’s only one ‘mantra’ to get you by. Be original, and don’t pretend. For good or for worse, you are your own sun, and let your shine flow.

Keep It Simple

Keeping it simple and honest is the key once again. It may pay off much better. On the ‘mission’ of getting a partner, don’t go over the board. Talk about things that you like. Don’t ever say things to just sound cool, like calling yourself a bird watcher when the only bird you have seen is the one that got caught in your room while you hid in the bathroom!! Though that may well be a cute story to tell! 

Sharing Is Caring

Movies, music, and food- the ultimate trilogy. Sharing your playlist, movie recommendations based on likings is a good option to carry on the conversation. You can be more engaging than the writer of the movie review column, depending on how well you want to discuss.

Show Interest

Let the narcissism rest for a while, if there’s any. Show interest in the other one, don’t go on and on about my 3 favorite people- I, Me, and Myself.

Romantic Chat Questions

Don’t make it sound like an interview but gently plug in a question or two to gauge the other person’s interest if they’re comfortable. Some of the questions could be:

  • What sparked your interest in me in the first place?
  • Can you mention the exact moment when you thought it was love?
  • Mention something unique about our bond.
  • Where do you see this friendship going in the coming months?
  • What’s the importance of marriage in your life? 
  • What do you like? Big proposals? The cute ones? Or none at all?
  • Is love at first sight real? 
  • Any romantic song that reminds you of the situation we are in currently? 
  • What’s your type of love language? Don’t mind her saying FOOD. Lol! 
  • Do you think marriages change the relationship equation? 

These are some of the romantic conversation starters that would keep both of you hooked with interest. 

Compliments, Keep It Genuine

Never, ever refrain yourself from showering genuine compliments on the other person. You can always look for some unique compliments and make them feel special. 

Hit Some Love Topics for Discussion

Communication is the easiest way to build chemistry. Indulge in a lot of deep communication whenever possible. Here are some topics to make it easy and fun.

  • Vacation planning
  • Work-life discussions. Many would say it’s not the right thing to discuss. Sometimes, it is! 
  • SEX- VERY IMPORTANT. Discuss your fantasies, favorite positions, dark secrets, and more. 
  • Worries. Yes, discuss your worries too.
  • Movies, songs, games, and other interests. 
  • Secrets.
  • Discuss family and friends.
  • Proud moments of your life. 

Be Equally Involved

Just because it’s evident that the other person’s interest in you is more than yours in them doesn’t mean you are allowed to take them for granted. A good and healthy relationship takes more than just one. 

Investing in conversation with the other person definitely bears fruits. If nothing works out, at least a friendship can start, and they say good relationships definitely start with friendships. 

So use some of our romantic chat topics and keep it flowing. 

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